Holiday Park Property Owners Association(HPPOA) is made up of volunteer members responsible for overseeing the social and recreational activities and events within Holiday Park for the benefit of residents and their guests.  Aim of HPPOA is to maintain an active happy community at Holiday Park where health and security are also emphasized and enjoyed.


  • Membership: Currently $5.00 per year. Offers savings on HPPOA events and at some local merchants for products and services.
  • Meetings: the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, or as directed by the Board of Directors, (October-May) 7 PM in the Recreation Center
  • HPPOA Office Hours and event ticket sales : Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-11:30 AM.
  • Contact Information: HPPOA 321-724-0930, email hppoa2013@gmail.com
  • The Happenings (HPPOA’s monthly E-Newsletter): Subscribe by sending your personal request and park address to: hphappenings2023@gmail.com  
  • Holiday Park Telephone Directory: Forms are available at the Recreation Center to change or add information.

Volunteers to host or assist with HPPOA Park activities and events are always needed and welcome.